What is a Disclaimer ?

Disclaimer is a legal document that is published on the website and it provides information about the warranties that the website offers to the users, the limitation on liability of the website and a clause stating that under which circumstances shall the website disclaim all warranties given by it to its users.

When is a Disclaimer need?

A Disclaimer is needed when a website wishes to inform its users about the warranties that the website shall give to its users, the terms and conditions for such warranties and the circumstances wherein the website shall disclaim all warranties.

Why is a Disclaimer needed?

  1. A Disclaimer is needed because it notifies the users about the warranties that they shall be given, terms and conditions of such warranty and the circumstances in which all the warranties shall be vitiated, thus this document limits the liability of the website and safeguards the interest of the website and its officers.
  2. A clause for dispute resolution is well thought upon and notified to the users thus minimizing the potential for any prospect disputes.

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My Legal Pal is a team of skilled lawyers proficient in contract drafting with spectacular legal experties in thelaws applicable to the agreement. We will help you draft or review your existing contracts with unlimited revisions.

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