Understanding the Importance of an Operating Agreement for Your LLC

What is an Operating Agreement ?

When forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC), one of the essential documents to have in place is an Operating Agreement. Many business owners often overlook this, especially in states where it is not a legal requirement, but having a well-drafted Operating Agreement is crucial to the smooth functioning of your LLC.

In this blog, we’ll break down the importance of an Operating Agreement, what it should include, and provide a sample that can help guide you in drafting your own.

What Is an Operating Agreement and Why Does Your LLC Need One?

If you’re starting a limited liability company (LLC), one of the most important legal documents you’ll need to create is an operating agreement. This document outlines the ownership structure, management procedures, and other important details of your LLC. In this blog post, we’ll explain what an operating agreement is, why it’s important, and what it should include.


An operating agreement is a legally binding document that limited liability companies (LLCs) use to state the structure of the company, how the organization is run and determines the ownership.

We may have come across the term LLC (limited liability company)which is a business structure prevalent in the USA that is essentially the same as a private limited company in the UK. Thus, the Operating Agreement governs such entities and specifies each and every details regarding the organization and its owners.

In a multi-member LLC , the operating agreement becomes a binding contract between the different members and provides details like when meetings are held, assign managers, and explain how the business can add or remove members. 

The purpose of the document is to govern the operations of the business based on the objectives of the business owners or the members.

It Helps Establish Ownership Structure and Management Procedures:

An operating agreement can help establish the ownership structure and management procedures of your LLC. This can include identifying the members of the LLC, their percentage of ownership, and their rights and responsibilities. It can also establish who will manage the LLC, how decisions will be made, and how profits and losses will be allocated.

It Provides Protection for Your Business and Members

An operating agreement can help protect your business and its members in the event of a dispute or lawsuit. By clearly outlining the rights and responsibilities of each member, it can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes down the line. It can also provide a framework for resolving disputes that do arise, which can help avoid costly litigation.

It Can Help Your LLC Maintain Its Limited Liability Status

One of the benefits of forming an LLC is that it provides limited liability protection for its members. However, this protection can be jeopardized if your LLC is found to be operating in a way that doesn’t meet certain legal requirements. By having an operating agreement that clearly outlines how your LLC will be run, you can help ensure that your business maintains its limited liability status.


Key Clauses to Include in an Operating Agreement

An Operating Agreement should cover a wide range of topics related to the LLC’s operations. Here are the key clauses every Operating Agreement should have:

  1. Formation and Ownership
    This section outlines when the LLC was formed, who the members are, and what percentage of the company each member owns.

  2. Management Structure
    It specifies whether the LLC is member-managed or manager-managed, and details the powers and duties of the managers.

  3. Voting Rights
    This clause defines how voting will take place, including the weight of each member’s vote, and the types of decisions that require a vote.

  4. Distribution of Profits and Losses
    It sets out how profits and losses will be distributed among members, based on their ownership interests or other factors agreed upon.

  5. Capital Contributions
    This clause details how much money or assets each member has contributed to the LLC, and what happens if additional contributions are needed.

  6. Membership Changes
    It outlines the process for adding or removing members, transferring ownership, or handling the departure of a member.

  7. Dissolution
    In case the LLC needs to be dissolved, this clause provides a clear roadmap for how assets will be distributed and liabilities settled.


Sample Operating Agreement


Operating Agreement of [Company Name], LLC

Effective Date: [Insert Date]

  1. Formation and Ownership

1.1 Formation
This Limited Liability Company (the “Company”) was formed on [Insert Date] pursuant to the laws of the state of [Insert State].

1.2 Members
The Members of the Company are as follows:

  • Member A: [Name], [Percentage Interest]
  • Member B: [Name], [Percentage Interest]
  1. Management Structure

2.1 Member-Managed
The Company shall be managed by its Members. Each Member shall participate equally in the management of the business unless otherwise agreed upon.


2.1 Manager-Managed
The Company shall be managed by one or more Managers, as elected by the Members. The Manager(s) shall have full authority to manage the Company, subject to any limitations outlined herein.

  1. Voting Rights

3.1 Voting Power
Each Member shall have voting power proportionate to their ownership interest. Decisions shall require a majority vote unless specified otherwise in this Agreement.

3.2 Decisions Requiring Unanimous Consent
The following decisions require unanimous consent of all Members:

  • Amendments to this Agreement
  • Dissolution of the Company
  • Admitting new Members
  1. Distribution of Profits and Losses

4.1 Allocation of Profits and Losses
Profits and losses of the Company shall be distributed to the Members in proportion to their ownership interests, unless otherwise agreed.

4.2 Timing of Distributions
Distributions, if any, shall be made at such times as the Members shall determine, taking into consideration the financial needs of the Company.

  1. Capital Contributions

5.1 Initial Contributions
The Members have contributed the following amounts to the Company’s capital:

  • Member A: [Contribution Amount]
  • Member B: [Contribution Amount]

5.2 Additional Contributions
No Member shall be required to make additional capital contributions unless agreed upon by all Members in writing.

  1. Membership Changes

6.1 Transfer of Interest
No Member may sell, transfer, or assign their interest in the Company without the written consent of the remaining Members.

6.2 Withdrawal or Death of a Member
If a Member wishes to withdraw from the Company or upon the death of a Member, the remaining Members shall have the option to purchase the withdrawing or deceased Member’s interest in the Company at a value determined by an independent appraisal.

  1. Dissolution

7.1 Events Leading to Dissolution
The Company may be dissolved upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

  • A unanimous decision by the Members
  • The bankruptcy of the Company
  • Any other event that causes the Company to cease business operations.

7.2 Distribution of Assets
Upon dissolution, the assets of the Company shall be liquidated and distributed in the following order:

  • Payment of the Company’s debts and liabilities
  • Return of any capital contributions made by the Members
  • Distribution of remaining assets to Members in accordance with their ownership interests.
  1. Miscellaneous

8.1 Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of [Insert State].

8.2 Amendments
This Agreement may only be amended or modified by the written consent of all Members.

8.3 Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Members with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings.


Member A
Name: __________________________
Signature: _______________________
Date: ___________________________

Member B
Name: __________________________
Signature: _______________________
Date: ___________________________


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FAQs on Operating Agreement

1. What is an Operating Agreement?

An Operating Agreement is a legal document that outlines the ownership structure, management roles, and operational procedures of a Limited Liability Company (LLC). It acts as the internal guide for running the company and managing its day-to-day operations.

2. Is an Operating Agreement legally required?

In most states, having an Operating Agreement is not legally required, but it’s highly recommended. Even in states where it’s not mandatory, an Operating Agreement is essential to ensure clarity and avoid future disputes among members.

3. What should be included in an Operating Agreement?

An Operating Agreement should include key details like the ownership percentage of each member, management structure, voting rights, distribution of profits and losses, and procedures for adding or removing members. It should also cover the company’s dissolution and dispute resolution processes.

4. Can a single-member LLC have an Operating Agreement?

Yes, even single-member LLCs should have an Operating Agreement. It helps establish the LLC as a separate legal entity, protecting the owner’s personal assets and ensuring the LLC complies with state laws.

5. What is the difference between an Operating Agreement and Articles of Organization?

The Articles of Organization is a public document that you file with the state to legally form your LLC, whereas the Operating Agreement is an internal document that governs how your LLC will operate. The Articles of Organization typically contain basic information about the LLC, while the Operating Agreement goes into much more detail about the internal workings of the company.

6. How does an Operating Agreement protect my LLC?

An Operating Agreement helps protect your LLC by:

  • Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of members
  • Preventing disputes through clearly defined rules
  • Preserving your LLC’s limited liability status by distinguishing it as a separate legal entity from its owners

7. Can I amend an Operating Agreement?

Yes, an Operating Agreement can be amended or modified if all members agree to the changes in writing. It’s a flexible document that can evolve as your business grows.

8. What happens if I don’t have an Operating Agreement?

If your LLC doesn’t have an Operating Agreement, your business will be governed by state default rules, which may not suit your specific needs. These rules might not reflect your preferred way of operating, which can lead to disputes or complications down the road.

9. Do I need to file the Operating Agreement with the state?

No, an Operating Agreement is an internal document and does not need to be filed with the state. However, it should be kept on record and signed by all members of the LLC.

10. Can an attorney help me draft an Operating Agreement?

Yes, it’s advisable to seek legal assistance when drafting an Operating Agreement. A well-drafted agreement can prevent legal issues down the line and ensure that the document fully reflects the interests and intentions of all LLC members. 

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