What is a Privacy Policy ?

Privacy Policy is a legal document that is published on the website or application and it incorporates clauses in regard to collection of personal Information of user, how that information shall be used and protected by the website and in what circumstances will the website not be liable for the disclosure of personal information of the user.

When is a Privacy Policy needed?

A Privacy Policy is required to be published on the website when the website gathers certain information about the users either for its marketing purposes or for providing services, etc.

Why is a Privacy Policy needed?

  1. A Privacy Policy is required because it notifies the users that how the website shall deal with their Personal information shared by the users on the website either at the time of accessing the services or during the use of the website.
  2. Protects the interest of both the parties that is both of the user and the website or application.

Most countries have their own legislation which governs the data retention rules and regulations and what information can be collected. In general, data protection laws in Europe cover both, the private sector and the public sector.


The definition of personal data varies depending on which law applies, but generally, personal information is any data which allows businesses to identify an individual person.

Personal information include:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • IP address
  • ID Number
  • Telephone Number

Some businesses also collect sensitive data such as financial details, biodata, or data belonging to minors. If a business collects such data, this should be indicated in their Privacy Policy.

Your website or application is governed by the jurisdiction or country where it is being hosted as well as its target regions accross the globe. Some of the popular regulations which a privacy policy has to comply with are :

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): If you sell goods or services to EU residents,or process their personal data to a certain extent, then you must comply with the GDPR which sets out rules for processing and safeguarding personal data.
  • California Privacy Rights Act (CCPA): The CCPA makes it mandatory for businesses targeting California residents to provide them with a compliant Privacy Policy.
  • Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA): Under this Canadian law, businesses often need consumers’ informed consent to data processing. A Privacy Policy helps with this.
  • Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (CDPA): The CDPA gives Virginia residents more control over their personal data, and a Privacy Policy should be provided.

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